Friday, November 2, 2007


So here's the thing.
I'm getting very sick & tired of whiny people.
The people who are utterly convinced that their life sucks.
They never look into the fact that there are people in the world that are truly suffering. The people who are starving or the people who watch their families get murdered in the middle of a war for oil.
(Note: don't even get me STARTED on the war George Bush started.)
They whine about the fact that they're "lonely", even though they have no idea what lonely even means. They just think they're lonely because they don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend at the time, and it's really pathetic!
I mean, loneliness gets the best of us, but don't whine about it! There's a lot worse going on in the world, just be happy that you're still alive and healthy with friends and family that love you.

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